Friday, November 29, 2019
The Bad Flag Essay Research Paper Some free essay sample
The Bad Flag Essay, Research Paper Some people think the Confederate flag is a symbol of hatred and bondage. Others think it represents the history of America. It # 8217 ; s up to of all time individual to make up ones mind where they stand. The old expression is, # 8220 ; If you don # 8217 ; t stand for something, you # 8217 ; ll autumn for anything. # 8221 ; Ever individual has a responsibility to esteem the other individual # 8217 ; s sentiment. We must look at every side of the issue. On one manus, there is a group of people that believe the flag stands for the bias and racism that was experienced in the times the flag was created. They feel that if you have a rebel flag, you are a hateful individual in some manner. They think without cognizing the ground or the history behind the flag. If they are so speedy to judge, aren # 8217 ; t they moving the same manner they are opposed to? Some of them follow what is popular to believe. We will write a custom essay sample on The Bad Flag Essay Research Paper Some or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Some feel really strongly about it and will contend it to the terminal. On the other manus, some people think the flag should remain. They feel it is apart of our American civilization. That it is apart of where we, as Southerners, come from. They feel that if you take it down, you will take away what represents our history. The people feel that if yo u take down the flag, you take down apart of their tradition. They believe it is apart of themselves. Most of the people who want it taken down decide before they really know what # 8217 ; s traveling on. They merely see the ugly exterior significance, and wear # 8217 ; t expression at the beautiful and deeper significance. The people who want to go forth it up can # 8217 ; t see why they would desire to take it down. There is a sense of sightlessness in each sentiment that needs to be looked at before a concluding determination can be made. Peoples need to be informed on both sides of an issue before they make their pick. The people must set down their nescient barriers and agree to a just trade. In my sentiment, the flag should remain up at that place. Not merely as a mark to our history, but a reminder that people make errors, and that sometimes it takes wars to rectify those errors, but that you should repair it and acquire on. Some people would hold, but it seems that more disagree. That is why the flag has been taken down and set in a museum. Equally much as they try, they can # 8217 ; t cover up the fact that there are bad people out at that place, but that the flag International Relations and Security Network # 8217 ; t the thing that makes them bad. Bibliography my ain ideas
Monday, November 25, 2019
Classroom Management Plan Essays
Classroom Management Plan Essays Classroom Management Plan Essay Classroom Management Plan Essay Classroom Management Plan Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Descriptive statement This classroom management plan is my guideline to my approach during my interaction with my students and outlines how I will manage my classroom. It is a plan that is prone to adjustments and improvements with the aim of providing the most accommodative learning environment for my students. For effective learning to take place, I believe that a combination of factors is necessary and these include engaging curriculums, a safe environment and a good rapport between the teacher and the students, which can effectively eliminate behavioral problems. Classroom management philosophy In my curriculum, I am committed to providing an all-rounded approach to teaching in order to achieve effective learning for my students. My main aim is to achieve both academic success and life teachings to my students, which will ensure that they have the discipline to interact with others inside as well as outside the classroom. Attending to the needs of my students is of top priority hence I intend to adapt an engaging approach to teaching where there will be incorporation of interactive learning. In this, I will ensure that I attend to studentsââ¬â¢s needs according to their capabilities. I will integrate discussions and interactive sessions to generate interest and grow the studentââ¬â¢s interactive skills. This will also aid the students to learn from each other. Making every student feel that they play a part in the classroom learning process will build on their esteem hence encouraging them to improve on their academics as well as their social skills. I will use a patient and calm approach towards disruptive behavior; however, I will be firm in my instructions to prevent re-occurrence of such behavior. I will ensure that I am not over-bearing but will follow up on the studentsââ¬â¢ activities outside the classroom hence being a guide to the students and providing an understanding attitude, which will ensure that the students trust me and are open during classroom interactions. I will base my management plan on these philosophies. Classroom rules Behavioral goals Setting of behavioral goals will enable the achievement of classroom discipline and presence of a more conducive learning environment. With a classroom consisting of a number of students, each with his or her personality, a common ground will be necessary to ensure that there is controlled environment. This will require certain measures to be implemented where these measures should be realistic and attainable putting into consideration the backgrounds of the students and their age bracket. Some of the measures I will implement include encouraging attentiveness during class sessions, participation in class discussions, respectful attitudes towards the teacher and the fellow students, responsiveness towards learning and good conduct inside and outside the classroom. These will result in uninterrupted learning sessions and responsiveness of the students to the teaching procedures adapted in the classroom resulting in effective learning for the students. Actions aiming at attainment of behavioral goals Some of the actions I will take to encourage good behavior in class will include specifying the kind of behavior I expect of the students hence giving the students a guideline of good classroom behavior that they will be expected to observe. I will give the students an opportunity to state the kind of attitude they expect from me and each other and involve them in setting classroom rules to ensure that they feel as part of the creators of the rules, making implementation easier as the rules will include what they themselves want. I will specify the measures that will be taken on failure to follow the specified behavior and explain to the students the reason for expecting the kind of behavior from them, explaining the benefit of such conduct to them. I explain to them of how they will gain from following the expected conduct. Yet another measure I will take will be rewarding good behavior, which will encourage the students to observe good behavior. Classroom rules and conditions In setting classroom rules, I will put into consideration that the students are of different backgrounds with different cultures hence the rules will be made to accommodate each individual without discrimination. This is in line with the explanation by Sheets and Gay (1996) where the teacher is expected to respect the studentsââ¬â¢ backgrounds and use an approach that is conducive to the studentsââ¬â¢ uniqueness. However, the rules in my class will be based around respect as where there is respect cooperation will be achieved. Mutual respect will result in obedience and understanding hence communication in class will be possible, with the students more inclined to pay attention where they feel that their opinions are valued are considered. I will set conditions that will ensure that there is maximization of interactive work where there will be occasional group work and class meetings to discuss the progress of the students in relation to the set rules. Classroom procedures Classroom arrangement I will ensure that the classroom arrangement allows interaction and easy movement hence ensuring that I am able to monitor the studentsââ¬â¢ activities. This will allow me to get close to each student hence giving personalized attention to each student, which I believe will have a greater impact in the learning process, as each individual will feel like part of the process. The seating arrangement will also be in a way that makes classroom discussions easier without wasting much time on re-arranging the class. I will also ensure that there are bright colors making use of visual learning materials, which will enhance learning as well as making learning interesting. I will ensure that there are additional learning materials located in an easily accessible position in the classroom such as dictionaries, maps and computers for group-based research activities. I will allow the students to personalize the classroom by coming up with creative learning materials that will be hang on part of the walls in an orderly manner. Classroom routines One of the classroom routines that I find to be of greatest value that I will incorporate in my teaching is group discussions and classroom interactions. One of the reasons why I find this routine important is that it builds the students in all areas. To begin with, it builds the studentââ¬â¢s interactive skills, as they are able to learn to listen to other peopleââ¬â¢s opinions and respect other peopleââ¬â¢s views. Secondly, it enables the student to have the confidence to air their views and share with others their opinions on a certain topic. The other reason that group interactions is an important routine is that it creates discipline in a student as they learn how to reply to other peopleââ¬â¢s opinions in a respectful manner that is not rude or does not degrade the other individual. Another classroom routine that I will incorporate in my teaching is use activities that will be imaginative and creative to create interest and explore other talents that the students may possess. This will ensure the students realize their full potential and help them to have control of their learning as they will realize that they are all gifted in different ways giving them the drive to find out what more they can actually do or learn what other skills they possess (Anderman and Midgley, 1998). Encouraging students All students have rights to be safe, to be respected and to learn without uncalled for interruption. In my teaching, I will make these rights known to the students and encourage them to make their needs known without fear. Hence, by offering this free environment the students will feel encouraged to express themselves as long as they do so in a respectful manner. I also believe that students should be guided, but should also be allowed to make some decisions on their own. It is in this way that they learn to be responsible hence; I will encourage the students to make wise decisions that will help them in tackling situations without me having to interfere. I would do this by letting the student make a connection between an action he takes and the outcome of the action hence leaving her or him to take action according to the outcome s/he finds favorable. Positive behavioral reinforcement In order to harness a sense of good behavior, I will put more focus on good behavior and the congratulating it. I will ensure I emphasize on the benefits of good behavior and always talk on the positive. I will acknowledge good behavior no matter the magnitude of it as this will show the student that they are on the right path encouraging them to continue with the behavior. This will eventually become routine and they will be drawn to doing what is right as positive feedback encourages them to feel acknowledged for their actions (Dreikurs, 1982). I will be firm but gentle in reprimanding a negative behavior. I will remind the student of the rules we set in the beginning, remind him or her of the benefits of following the rules, and give them the chance to make the right choice. References Anderman, E.M. Midgley, C. (1998). Classroom influences on self-handicapping strategies. American Educational Research Journal. 35, 101-122. Dreikurs, R. Grunwald, B. B., and Pepper, F. C. (1982) Maintaining Sanity in the Classroom (2nd ed.). New York: HarperCollins. Print. Gay, G. Sheets, R. H. (1996). Urban classroom conflict: Student teacher perception: Ethnic integrity, solidarity, and resistance. Urban Review, 28(2),
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Strategic Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 6
Strategic Management - Assignment Example The companyââ¬â¢s strategic goals should complement oneââ¬â¢s objectives, and has to be a benchmark that the individual uses to analyse self-progress. The other important facet includes assessment of ones skills and check if they are sufficient to achieve the organisational aims (Stringham, 2012). Skill and professionalism are congruent aspects that must be used simultaneously to enable a person rise to the echelons of their occupation. Skill can be acquired through continuous practise and learning. Learning cuts across all the forces that ignite critical thinking and judgement, through exposure to different environments, and challenges. In the document, several facets contributing to personal and professional growth have been comprehensively elucidated. The strategic goals may include working for the organisation for a defined period then branch off to their private practise. There is need for proper roadmap and planning, in order, to realize the ultimate goal in the profession (Hill and Jones, 2012). Higher remuneration: One of the targets in career advancement is having a better paycheque. Increased remuneration comes from a steady increase in the performance at work, and through accumulated experience in the given role. The mentioned factors will enable one have a stronger bargaining power, and contributing to a rise in career level. Superior role and title: the most significant career goal is to be able to rise through the career ladder to the apex of the field of specialization. The target includes advancing in the organisation in terms of responsibilities and having a bigger title. The two points will also contribute to personal satisfaction and motivation in the workplace. Higher influence: during the progression through occupational ranks, one expects to develop more influence through the new positions acquired. The higher influence also signifies professional maturity, which further supports
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
J&G Garden Center Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
J&G Garden Center - Case Study Example Additionally, it is reported they are competent, efficient, and effective in the execution of their duties (J&G Garden Center Case 171). Therefore, it would be imperative for Mr. Weed to take the liability of what he has actually tried to avoid. In regards to the environmental pollution from the chemical and other biohazards related to his product, he built a secure house with a locked barbed wire face as well as an alarm system that would alert them in case of any danger related to his business. Moreover, he constructed Material Runoff Proof Segment and took a special liability insurance policy to ensure the business is covered at any time of any dangerous eventuality. All these initiatives were meant to protect the worker, customer, the community, and the environments that are exposed to the businessââ¬â¢ products. In other words, the business if fully compliant with regulatory, customers and environmental safety thereby it neither have loopholes nor undermined operational requi rements. However, it is proper that Mr. Weed is considered an ethical conflict for the closure of the divider. The business has a high profit margin and the only this Weed can do is to provide additional education on the after use safety measures through sensitizing the community and the persons he considers of concern (Duska and Rongione 92). In addition, he may hire or train more workers on the use of his products so that they may conduct regular monitoring and inspection places or fields that these chemicals are used to reduce the negative effects of these chemical on the users and their immediate surroundings (J&G Garden Center Case 171). In this manner, Weed shall have adequately solved the ethical conflicts surrounding his business. Part Two: Closing the New Division It is proper that the business is shut down the business since it is apparent that the business does not meet the minimum requirement set by the business. The minimum requirements herein are the ineffectiveness of the measures already intended to be met by the business. It should be noted that the company should maintain its name at all time during its operational life since the name company of the company is what makes such a company viable (J&G Garden Center Case 172). In fact, serious ethical issues affecting new division including lawsuits may affect the operation of Weedââ¬â¢s other business. Therefore, it will only be proper to shut down the business in favor of the operation of other businesses. However, instead of closing the business, Weed may improve the business profile with the focus on solving the ethical and legal problems currently facing the business. Numerous initiatives and measure may be taken towards improving the current business situation. As suggested by his wife and partners in his businesses, Weed should embark on a serious marketing (Schwartz 94). Marketing is a sure way of building confidence of the customer and the public on the business. Additionally, in his m arketing scheme, Weed should include well-articulated measures towards preventing the already identified problems associated with the application of his products. The business should also develop intensive monitoring trends to ensure that their customers, other than promising to adhere strictly to the down listed precaution requirement, they are actually following them to the letter (J&G Garden Center Case 172). Efficient, effective, and adequate monitoring will enable the company to detect any problem that is associated with
Monday, November 18, 2019
The Significant Level of Success of Marks and Spencer Stores Research Paper
The Significant Level of Success of Marks and Spencer Stores - Research Paper Example In viewing the resources of the company, it is important to determine the assets that Marks and Spencer have at present. Although the data only provides consolidated assets, it is sufficient to define the capacity of the company to improve its performance. Overall, the assets of the company are higher than the total liabilities. The net assets of the company have increased from 2005 to 2006. This shows that the company continues to acquire resources that are vital for the company. The figures may its entirety, but the impact in the food retail sector is expected to be felt (Marks and Spencer, 2006). One significant observation that can be made is that the company has a wide range of quality food sources. This is in references to the responsible food sourcing that the company adopts. The supplies of the company are considered as one of its valuable resources. Because of its outstanding food production materials, the quality of the finished products has improved. Boosting the food with the finest inputs allow the company to effectively satisfy the needs of the consumers. Subsequently, quality sources also make the company more cost-effective. Another important resource of the company is its identity. This is established through the brand name of Marks and Spencer. Despite some criticisms, the brand has gained the distinction of being the most trusted retailer in the UK. Over the years, the brand name has been embraced in different areas of the world. The credibility of the company is one of its intangible resources that deserved to be recognised.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
A Probation And Parole Criminology Essay
A Probation And Parole Criminology Essay The idea of the corrections system has been around for a while. Within this system there lies several different types of programs that do not require an offender to be placed in a prison or jail. These programs to allow the offender to remain out in the community, while being closely monitored. The earliest and most common programs are probation and parole. These two programs allow most offenders to be in their normal everyday setting, unless otherwise stated by the judge or probation or parole officer. Usually this is the sentence given to offenders who have a non-violent offense and are less likely to run away. These are the offenders who are seen to be harmful to society. Probation and parole are two of the easiest ways to help with problems within the jail such as overcrowding. Background/History Probation and parole are two of the oldest programs within the corrections system that takes care of non-violent offenders. Before the development of these programs, the offenders would be placed into the same facilities as all the other offenders. This wasnt fair to the offenders, nor was it helpful to the staff there. The actual goal of probation and parole was not to place these people into prisons or jails, but to rehabilitate them while in the care of their community. Probation John Augustus was the father of probation, although there were similar practices around 437 BC. Augustus was your average, everyday man. However, his goal with probation was behavioral reform. He believed that if the system allowed the offender to stay within the community, they would get sort of a second chance. Then, by providing support and guidance from probation officers, the officers may in fact be able to reach the goal of assisting the offender in becoming a law-abiding individual. The word probation actually is a form of the Latin word probatio which mean to test or prove. The individuals who receive probation are called probationers. They are people who have been convicted of a crime and are given this sentence instead of going to jail. Probation officers are the people who supervise them. They are usually court-appointed and must make sure that their probationer follows the rules handed down to them by the court. Parole Parole was first used in Australia and Ireland. It was seen as an award for inmates who were on their best behavior. Parole is a privilege given to an individual when are eligible to parole. This happens after the prisoner receives a minimum or maximum sentence; then they become eligible with the decision of the parole board, which decides whether or not to put them on parole after a consideration hearing. Just like probation, this is a program that focuses on the rehabilitation of offenders and getting them back into the community and on the right track. Parole was first introduced in the United States by Brockway Zebulon in 1876 as a way to reduce jail overcrowding. Zebulon also saw this as way to rehabilitate offenders by encouraging them to exhibit good behavior while incarcerated. This allows offenders to be let back into their community after serving a portion of their jail time and live, but under supervision from a Parole Officer. The parole period is based on a decision made by the board of parole. If the offender violates their parole while out, they are then placed back into the prison system. Both Alexander Maconochie and Walter Crofton played important roles in the development of the parole program. Literature Review Probation Evidence of probation goes all the way back to the Middle Ages (Ditton and Ford 1994). During that time, the court systems practiced suspended sentences. The first courts in America allowed these suspended sentences, but not every court used this (Young 1976). All of this occurred before John Augustus idea of probation came about (Ditton and Ford 1994). John Augustus was a local businessman who asked judges to allow him to pay the fines for offenders who had been convicted of minor or non-violent crimes and then allow him to supervise them (Ditton and Ford 1994). After bailing these individuals out, he helped them find jobs and monitored their changes (Young 1976). When it was time for the offender to return to court, Augustus went along and provided the judge with a report on how the offender was progressing. (Ditton and Ford 1994; Young 1976) In 1978, thanks to the success of John Augustus, the first probation law was passed in Massachusetts (Ditton and Ford 1994). However, it wasnt until after Chicago established the first juvenile court that probation became a popular and useful sentencing method (Young 1976). In 1925, the National Probation Act was passed, which ultimately created a probation system for the federal government (Ditton and Ford 1994; Young 1976). By 1956, every state had some form of probation as a sentencing method (Ditton and Ford 1994; Young 1976). There are two main goals established by the probation program. The first is to protect society from additional crime by the offender (Ditton and Ford 1994). The achievement of this goal usually comes through the report of a presentence investigation that is done to determine whether or not the offender is a risk to society (Ditton and Ford 1994). If the information that comes from this report confirm that the offender is in fact not a risk to society then they are sentenced to probation. If the information confirms that the offender is a dangerous offender and may be harmful to their community, then they are usually sentenced to more harsh repercussions (Ditton and Ford 1994). The second goal is to help the offenders (Ditton and Ford 1994). This is done through supervision and management (Ditton and Ford 1994). Probation officers are there to basically watch over the probationers and make sure that they stay away from things that could cause them to reoffend. They also monitor their actions and help keep them from violation rules that have been set as a result of their probation. As far as managing goes, the probation officer is there to lead the offender in the way that they need to go in order not to offend again (Ditton and Ford 1994; Young 1976). They are there to help and ultimately provide the offender with the resources that they need. This actually includes helping them to find employment which is a requirement when on probation. If a probationer violate their probation orders they will have their probation revoked. Their violations fall under one of two types. The first is technical, which is usually defined by minor violations (Ditton and Ford 1994). The second is a re-arrest or new offense (Ditton and Ford 1994). This is serious violation of probation rules. Another offense committed by the offender shows that the individual is not likely to adhere to the probation rules and not prepared to cooperate. These individuals tend to have their probation revoked and end up back in the jail or prison facilities (Ditton and Ford 1994). Over the years, the number of probationers has fluctuated. From 1995 to 2004, the number of individuals on probation rose from 3,077,861 to 4,151,125. This is about a 0.2% change in 2004, the smallest annual growth rate since 1979. In twenty-one states, the adult probation population decreased with Washington State being the only one who saw a double digit decrease. Kentucky, Mississippi, New Mexico, and New Jersey were among the four states who saw an increase of more than 10% in probation population. Since 1990, probationers have accounted for about half the growth of the entire prison population. (Glaze and Palla 2005; Burrell 2005) As with anything, there are problems that occur with probation (Paparozzi and DeMichele 2008). When placed on probation, offenders are expected to follow the guidelines provided to them through the courts (Ditton and Ford 1994). However, we find that they dont always follow the rules and sometimes never get caught or charged. In 2004, in a certain area of Florida, 199,215 individuals were supposed to be on probation in particular month. About one of five offenders had disappeared; out of those left, close to one of four had an active violation report. Nothing was done because a judge stated that it would be hard to do something with each person that had violated their parole. Another problem with probation is that the officers experience heavy caseloads (Paparozzi and DeMichele 2008). They often have to pull overtime in order to keep up. Its hard for the officers to manage all their cases and be sure to keep up with supervising the offenders (Paparozzi and DeMichele 2008). This also tends to be an issue when it comes to parole officers. Parole The parole system goes back to the 1800s when Sir Walter Crofton introduced tickets of leave (Schuessler 1954). He used these to give to prisoners who experienced good behavior in exchange for an early release from prison. Crofton also introduced the idea of intermediate prisons (Schuessler 1954). Inmates could live and work in a supervised manner while carrying out their prison sentence (Schuessler 1954). As for the United States, Brockway Zebulon introduced the idea of the first parole system (Schuessler 1954). Zebulon used the help of volunteer community members to monitor the behavior of the inmates who were released. He wasnt focused on the help of police officers, as he believed they had enough on their plate. As time went on, he used the help of volunteer members who were concerned with the well-being of the individual. By the 1900s this idea had spread and become popular in every state except Virginia, Mississippi, and Florida. (Schuessler 1954; Dressler 1951; Abadinsky 1982) The parole board was established in 1902 (Schuessler 1954). This took the parolees out from under the control of the officers in prisons and allowed the parole board to define the rules and regulations for them (Abadinsky 1982). The board was made of three members; the deputy warden would sit in as the chair person (Abadinsky 1982). Prisoners would come before the board as their behavior was analyzed and the board would determine whether the convict deserved a parole (Schuessler 1954). The parole board established to manage paroles based on the convicts behavior (Virginia General Assembly 1992). However they also had to observe the convicts criminal history, prior supervision opportunities in the community, behavior in the prison during their jail time, and the convicts plans after being released (Abadinsky 1982). During this time, parole officers were introduced into the system. Their job was to monitor parolees once they are released from prison (Virginia General Assembly 1992). In 1910, inmates who were in any US prison received an automatic and equal chance to parole. No parole would be sentenced until the attorney general approves it. For prisoners who were sentenced to a life sentence would be able to go up for parole after 15 years. As a result of all of this, each prison had to hire a parole officer who would supervise the convict and help the parolees get a job. (Schuessler 1954; Dressler 1951; Abadinsky 1982) Within the time of being paroled, just like with probation, the parolee must abide by a set of rules (Schuessler 1954). The must meet with their parole officer at meetings established by the office. The must adhere to all other rules and regulations of being on parole. In the case of any new arrests, the parolee must report this to their parole officer (Schuessler 1954). If the parolee moves, they must make the parole officer aware. This also goes for any change in employment. During this time the officer cannot have any control substances in their possession nor be in the possession of a firearm (Schuessler 1954). Its also recommended that the parolee refrain from associating with individuals that may cause them to reoffend or could possibly get them in trouble in any way (Schuessler 1954). The number of individuals on parole went from 679,421 in 1995 to 765,355 in 2004. Therefore, the Nations parole population grew about 2.7%. This is a huge difference compared to the small growth of probation. A total of about ten states had double-digit increases in their parole population and as few as nine states saw decreases in their parole population. (Glaze and Palla 2005; Burrell 2005) There are numerous problems with the parole system (Paparozzi and DeMichele 2008; DeMichele and Payne 2007). One being the amount of caseload being given to parole officers (Schuessler 1954). The system seems to have a shortage of parole officers leading the ones that there are to have more cases, making it hard for them to keep control of what they have (Paparozzi and DeMichele 2008; DeMichele and Payne 2007). Another problem is the fact that if the individual is a reoffender, the chances of them reoffending is greater than those of a first-time offender (Schuessler 1954). This is true because the US has seen a high rate in recidivism over time. There is not much that can be done due to the lack of personnel. Probation and Parole Officers Basically, probation and parole officers serve the same duties. They are supposed to supervise and manage the offenders. This allows them to be case workers as well as law enforcers because they have to make sure the offenders dont break any laws. Some will argue that supervision is the most important aspect of the job. (DeMichele and Payne 2007) Probation and parole officer have several duties they must attend to. They conduct home visits, perform curfew checks and verify with the employer of the offender is actually employed. They also help the offender get into treatment facilities if they need it. Thats just a few of the duties that these officers accomplish. (Dressler 1951; Schuessler 1954) In order to became a probation or parole officer you must go through specialized training at a Peace Officer Standards and Training facility. Once this training is completed, they become POST certified peace officers. These officers must take part in quarterly training classes in a variety of areas concerning their job. Difference between probation and parole Most people think that probation and parole are the same thing. The have the same goal as to rehabilitate offenders, but they play two different roles. Probation is basically an extension to the offenders sentence, while parole is a reward given to prisoners for good behavior (Dressler 1951). Parole lessens the amount of time the individuals serves in prison (Dressler 1951). Probation is a sentence handed directly to the offender from the judge, but a parole board is in charge of the decision to grant an offender with parole (Dressler 1951). When it comes to parole, the judge has no say, the decision is left up to the parole board in the prison facility (Dressler 1951; Abadinsky 1982). Parolees are eligible for parole after they have served the minimum prison sentence that has been handed down to them (Abadinsky 1982). The board at this point determines whether or not the individual receives parole (Dressler 1951). As far as probation goes, this is based on the judges decision after determining the seriousness of the crime and whether or not the individual is likely to reoffend within the probationary period (Dressler 1951). Society on Probation and Parole Those within the community have mixed reactions about these programs. Most feel as if it is a good thing to try and rehabilitate these offenders. However, they are unsure how they feel about this individuals having contact within the community. They feel as if these individuals have already offended, that there is not much to keep them from offending again. As far as offenders are concerned, those who serve jail time are able sort of network within the prison walls. They develop these relationships with other prisoners that lead them back where they began. These relationships allow them to establish other relationships out in the community with other criminals or deviant individuals. This is not the case all the time, but for a majority of the time, this is the case. Some members of society realize this and begin to worry what could come of these relationships and networks that have been made. When an offender is released back into society, they have to learn how to control what happens as a result of being labeled. As an offender enters the prison system, they become labeled as an offender. This label then makes it hard for them to find employment, as well as make changes that lead and keep them on the right path. There are individuals who are willing to help these offenders, but most fear their past. This is when the help of the parole or probation officer comes into play. Its their job to help these individual get jobs or get into rehab or even continue with their education. More than likely, if an offender reoffends, its because they are unable to establish a place in society that keeps them busy. Idle hands are the devils workshop which means anyone who has free time to waste is more likely to offend than someone who is constantly doing something. Conclusion The jobs of being a probation or parole officer is not easy. On a day to day basis they have to deal with keeping track and supervising individual, as well as possibly receiving more individuals. Their job is already hard enough with making sure their probationers and parolees are following the rules, but when you have multiple things tend to get tricky. These officers are underappreciated. They are also often taken advantage of. These people come into these positions to help people. Thats why they choose this career, to try and make a difference in ones life. These two programs are very useful within our correction system. They provide for means of rehabilitation just as their founders wished they would. They also save tax payers a great deal of money. Prison overcrowding cause the tax payers of America to have to fork over more money to support the funding of prison and jail facilities. With probation and parole programs having been founded, we are able to save money and alleviate the crowding in these correctional facilities. Although they are not all fail proof, they do help.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Country of Liberia :: Africa Profile Geography Anthropology Essays
The Country of Liberia This paper is about a small country on the west coast of Africa called Liberia. It is a country built with the help of The American Colonization Society. It was established to place freed blacks in the days of slavery in the United States in the 1800s. The government was modeled after the United States. Monrovia, the capital and principal, port is named after a president of the united states, James Monroe. This country has historical significance for african Americans. As Africa's oldest republic, established by former black American slaves, Liberia played and important role as a model for African colones seeking independence. HISTORY Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Liberia's tribal peoples migrated to the area between the 12th and 16th centuries. The Portuguese arrived in 1461 and began a trade in ivory, pepper, and later in slaves. In 1820, the first colonists arrived. Their successful settlement was named Monrovia in 1824. More colonists gradually arrived and established separate colonies. In 1847 the colonies united and Liberia became the first independent republic in black Africa. Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã The new nation faced many problems. Some of them were tribal wars, low exports, and land claimed by other countries. Liberia was able to maintain its independence only with the help of the United States. Following World War II, the modern port, airport, hospitals, hydroelectric station, and other projects, all financed by the United States, were opened. There has been frequent military conflicts and civil wars. In August 1990, forces from several African countries entered Liberia to try and stop the bloody civil wars. The fighting only became worse and the Prospects of a negotiated settlement were dim. LAND AND RESOURCES Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Liberia's straight sandy coast is 350 miles long. It is broken by lagoons and mangrove swamps. It gives way to a low rolling plain about 20 miles wide. Further inland, foothills ranging in height from 600 to 1000 feet high are found. They become mountains in the north and east. The highest point in the country is Mt. Wutuvi which rises to 4,531 feet. Land area of the country is 43,000 square miles. Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Liberia's rivers are short and flow parallel to one another from the mountains to the ocean. The largest rivers are the St. Paul, St. John, and Cavalla. Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Liberia's tropical climate is hot and humid. The usual temperature ranges from 60 degrees to 87 degrees. Annual rainfall, as much as 177 inches at the coast, gradually decreases inland to 96 inches. The rainy season occurs between May and October. A dusty winter wind blows during December. Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã There are 90 different kind of usable wood in Liberia's vast timber resources. Mineral resources include large deposits of iron ore, diamonds, and
Monday, November 11, 2019
Cardiff Bay – A brief history
The maritime history of the port of Cardiff dates back to Viking Times. At this stage it was only a small port which had a fairly constant flow of imports and exports. In 1794 the construction of the Glamorgan ship canal which resulted from the development of the iron industry meant that the export of iron through Cardiff became huge (350,000 tonnes a year). During the second part of the nineteenth century the port continued to grow at a fast rate, this was Cardiff's heyday. During the First World War Cardiff saw a dramatic decline in exports and the port and city. During the Second World War Cardiff had somewhat of a renaissance due to its key geographical location. After being passed to and from the public and private sectors and with the continuing decline of the Wales coal fields Cardiff left large areas of Cardiff useless as it all depended on the coal flow. Cardiff then diversified into activities such as oil, grain, frozen products and steel. This meant that there was no longer a demand for some of Cardiff's older dock facilities. The Glamorgan ship canal, which prompted the growth and prosperity of Cardiff, was filled in, in 1955. Then in 1964 the Bute West Dock was closed and shortly afterwards the Bute East Dock in 1970. It is this bleak history which prompted the plans for the transformation of Cardiff Docks into Cardiff Bay. The Cardiff Bay Regeneration Project The CBDC (Cardiff Bay Development Corporation) was set up in April 1987 by the then Secretary of State for Wales Nicholas Edwards. It was formed as part of the government's urban development program aiming to regenerate deprived and run ââ¬â down inner city areas of Britain. The CBDC was given the task of regenerating the old docklands area of the city. Because of the scaled of the problem (only two of the five docks remain operational) this means this is the second largest redevelopment scheme in Europe. Read also History Quizzes The CBDC gave this mission statement; ââ¬Å"To put Cardiff on the international map as a superlative maritime city which will stand comparison with any such city in the world, thereby enhancing the image and economic well-being of Cardiff and Wales as a wholeâ⬠This was a brave statement and was followed up by these main objectives: à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½To promote development and provide a superb environment in which people would want to live, work and play. à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½To re-unite the city of Cardiff with its waterfront. à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½To bring forward a mix of development which would create a wide range of job opportunities and reflect the hopes and aspirations of communities of the area. à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½To achieve the highest standards of design and quality in all types of investment. à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½To establish the area as a recognised centre of excellence and innovation in the Field of urban regeneration. These objectives were to be met by introducing businesses into the local area and building shops and amenities basically all achieved through huge amounts of government funding. Strategies (what has been done?) Some large companies have also decided to locate in Cardiff and are providing new jobs. One such company is NCM which is a Dutch insurance company, with large companies like this being based in Cardiff a sense of confidence will be built up and other businesses will also relocate. The transport system is now referred to as an ââ¬Å"Ultasystemâ⬠. Basically there has been a huge improvement in public transport with regular busses taking you all round the city. The City is also connected via water fronts and you can travel by water around Cardiff if you want to. The traffic is also not as bad as in a lot of modern cities which leads to less pollution and a nicer atmosphere. There is a vast difference in the public and private residential areas. The public residential areas are rather ugly and drab, the surroundings are poorly kept and there is a lack of variety. However the newer private residential area is much nicer. Both in its appearance and its atmosphere rather than cramped it is spacious with well maintained surroundings. There are also many local amenities in the private areas. Full details can be seen in the table attached. The locals don't seem to like the newcomers that much but tolerate them all the same. It may be a long time before there is a sense of community spirit between the different fractions. But this said it is very hard to measure something like a sense of community and the relationship between neighbours because it is often the minority which is seen and heard whereas the majority don't have a problem with it. The job opportunities are quite good in the area. There are both low skilled jobs in which most people could get a job and also large employers such as NCM who offer a wide range of jobs and promotional opportunities. Having said that they is still quite a lot of unemployment around Cardiff but this is true in Wales as a whole and not a localised problem. But the employment situation locally has vastly improved since the CBDC have taken action. There has also been massive redevelopment. The Millennium waterfront provides entertainment which pubs and bars. From private investors there is also a sports village with many very good sporting facilities. There are also conservation areas. These all provide entertainment for the people living in Cardiff and also provide a nicer environment, keeping people happy. Cardiff Bays past can be seen all around, from older buildings with interesting architecture to disused warehouses. The main clue to Cardiff's historical past lies in museums and the design of buildings, indicating a rich and diverse past in which the port played a major role in the city. There is also a castle in Cardiff which somehow seems out of place in a port city. Most of the original buildings in the area now have different purposes. For example the Norwegian Church has now been converted into an art gallery and coffee shop, complete with a tourist shop. This is symbolic of how Cardiff has had to adapt, now replying on new business and tourism rather than on a single source (coal). I think the old buildings at first detract from the maritime environment until you realise that buildings like these were only built here because of all the different cultures coming in from the port. When you view them in that context you can plainly see that they stand as monuments to Cardiff's past as one of the major ports of the world. Evaluation There is strong evidence to suggest that this has not worked. One prime example is that of the emptiness in the shopping centre, most of the shops are up for rent and empty and the ones that are there are mostly coffee shops and aimed at tourists. This means that little has been done to the actual people of Cardiff apart from disguising the bay as a good place to visit for tourists. However I don't believe this is the case. The real question that has to be asked in any evaluation is, have the objectives been met? Well here are the objectives that were laid down by the CBDC: à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½To promote development and provide a superb environment in which people would want to live, work and play. There are many local amenities which have been built including educational facilities such as ââ¬Å"techniquestâ⬠which promote a better environment for children. People that were interviewed did like it where they were living, it was also evident that people were proud of their heritage, in my opinion this object has been met, perhaps not fully but at least a vast improvement. à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½To re-unite the city of Cardiff with its waterfront. This is perhaps a harder task because it replies more on the people of Cardiff rather than any government schemes. But there has been a start regular ferries go along the water front to different parts of Cardiff establishing an important link. à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½To bring forward a mix of development which would create a wide range of job opportunities and reflect the hopes and aspirations of communities of the area. There is not so much of a mix of jobs going as perhaps the CBDC wanted but there are certainly some good opportunities for jobs now. A good example are jobs large companies such as NCM provide. However the work is limited to a small amount of industrial work, tourism work and some small scale commercial work. So for people with skills outside those professions there is not so much of a scope for work. However this is still a great improvement and with growing confidence from other companies Cardiff's employment future is looking good. à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½To achieve the highest standards of design and quality in all types of investment. This can't really be argued with; all the new buildings are well designed and colourful. The quality is good and a lot of work goes into maintaining them. But although buildings look good, as always its what's on the inside that truly counts (which isn't a lot in the shopping centre!) But the objective has been met. à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½To establish the area as a recognised centre of excellence and innovation in the Field of urban regeneration. I think people can clearly see that there has been definite improvement. This is the second largest urban renewal in the whole of Europe so its going to take a little longer to achieve this objective fully, but the CBDC is well on its way. Conclusion To conclude I believe that the regeneration of Cardiff Docks into Cardiff Bay has been a success. But a limited success. This is because there is still a lot of work to be done. The CBDC now needs to look to the future and decide where it has made mistakes in the past, learn from them, and draw up some more defined objectives, as the last were not specific enough. Once it has obtained these objectives it should try to meet one at a time, not all at once which is what I feel they have done. With so much going on at once it would have been hard to manage and keep a clear view of the renewal situation as a whole, which lead to problems such as lack of interest in the shopping centre. They now have a strong foot hole and from this they can continue to improve Cardiff bay and eventually realise their dream-like statement. ââ¬Å"To put Cardiff on the international map as a superlative maritime city which will stand comparison with any such city in the world, thereby enhancing the image and economic well-being of Cardiff and Wales as a wholeââ¬
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Presidency and the Media essays
Presidency and the Media essays The Political government and the Mass Media are two huge manifestations of our nation of America. Over the years both have needed each other to be successful. In 1960 the potential of the, then small later to become known as powerful, media was seen in the Presidential Debates between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. This was the first time, nominees of two major parties met to debate during a general election. It was also the first huge televised event and so Congress suspended the equal time provision of the Federal Communications Act from 1934. What is remembered most, is the telegenic "image" of Kennedy versus the decidedly non-telegenic image of Nixon. Nixon didn't wear make-up, was recovering from the flu and had lost weight, and also suffered from a knee injury. He wore a gray suit, which provided little contrast with the background set. Kennedy wore a dark suit, wore make-up, and was coached on how to sit and what to do when he wasn't speaking or looking at Nixon. The major theme was the threat of global communism. One study conducted during the conclusion of the debates noted that those who heard the debate on the radio thought the contest to be a draw, while those who had watched the broadcast thought Kennedy to be the clear winner. During the next debate Nixon learned from the mistakes and adopted a more telegenic image by trying to emulate Kennedy and worn a dark suit and make-up, and also taking more of an aggressive stance. However it was too late, the characters had already been developed, and Nixon was decided not to be the medias favored. Kennedy was portrayed to be the young new way of America, with his welcoming presence, and strong patriotism, and pro-press image, whereas Nixon was developed to be the anti-press and public opinion, paranoid, unwelcoming former Vice President. This image was upheld by the medias coverage and/or non-coverage of major events during ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Chinese Son
The book God's Chinese Son by Jonathan D. Spence is a clever inside look at the effects had on a society by a colonial trade port enterprise. I liked the way that at the beginning of the book it seems as though there are a lot of unrelated topics, but by the end they each are woven together into the fabric of this society and how each had an effect on each other. One example of this is Karl Gutzlaff. He is introduced early in the story, but the effect that he would have specifically on Hong's society is revealed later. I also enjoyed how Spence gave every aspect of the establishment of Christianity and it's effects on the society, from the obvious political effects, to the smaller, less noticeable effects which it has on, for example, traditions or the pirates. It is ironic that through the colonies, devoted Christians brought their message of peace and salvation to China, yet it was this same Christianity that resulted in the captivation and death of all of the Chinese who accepted it as such. I found it interesting to view the evolution of Hong as a religious philosopher and leader and the way that power began to change his views. In the beginning of his ministry he writes a tract which negatively comments on China'sfractured harmony? (p. 91). Later he is personally responsible for the battles that are tearing China apart. Another example of this is in Liang's tract it lists six laws to follow of which the first isNot to Kill? (p. 62). This is the tract that establishes the foundation for Hong's Christian faith, but yet later he would command his servants to Yang because he was preventing Hong from having complete control of the God-worshiping Society. With God's Chinese Son, Spence has taken a mircocosmic experience and added extraordinary insights into the universal rippling effects of colonialism
Monday, November 4, 2019
Computer Industry Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Computer Industry - Term Paper Example The industry has some gaps in the customer services delivery. One of the problems is due to the improvements carried out on new versions of software. Organizations are incurring costs due to the need to keep on retraining their workers to adapt to change. The developers do not take into consideration this factor and often will get complaints from the users. A case scenario is in the operating system scenario where most machines that were using windows XP are not compatible with windows seven which is the most current operating system. The software industry has also been viewed by the customers as one of the industry that increases costs incurred by companies. This has been brought about by the gap that exists between the available developers and the demand of software. The return policy varies from country to country according to the legal framework of the country. Due to the nature of the industry software can only be returned under some conditions. For instance, the software seal s hould not be tampered so that a product can be accepted back. After returning the product the customer will be refunded with amount of money used in purchasing the software. The customer must return the software to the country of purchase for this to apply. One of the things that I could implement is developing software that can allow backward compatibility of software. This will allow new software produced to be compatible with the legacy systems reducing the cost of acquiring new software on the client. Another solution would be to encourage development of software that takes environmental and working condition of customer into consideration. Software companies should know that the client wishes to enhance productivity of the employees and not completely replace them. This will eliminate the culture that has been there that software is supposed to replace or reduce workforce within the organization. The most important resources within the organization are the employees (Laurie, 20 04). The software industry major players have often denied their employees the ownership of their innovations. Companies own the copyrights of the software created by their employees. To eliminate this problem there is need to make sure that developers also form part of ownership of the software they make. Additionally, employees could be allowed to own shares within the company. This will make them feel being part of the company and will work toward improving the image of the company all the time. The company should also formulate a reward system to boost the morale and motivation. This will be used in recognizing those developers who have produced the most successful products for a certain period of time. Employeeââ¬â¢s empowerment can be enhanced by retraining them on the most recent mode of software development. This will ensure that employees will always offer quality products to the clients which will improve the image of the company. Providing developers with the recent to ols of development can ensure that they are on the fast track and up to speed with the current technologies. The developers need to have a development environment which will ensure quick delivery while ensuring quality of the product. Customer service program Handling of complaints from customer will be carried with a lot of care and diligence. This will be done with the aim of achieving customer satisfaction. A call centre will be established which will be required to receive customers calls 24
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Using Popular Culture in the Classroom Dissertation
Using Popular Culture in the Classroom - Dissertation Example The exploration of new techniques and methods is always on the educational horizon. The promise of the future has not eliminated the need for a refinement and validation of existing practices. In fact, modern technologies have allowed for a greater level of access to a variety of media and have increased the capabilities of the average educator. According to Jackie Marsh and Millard 2000, popular culture is a phrase which can be applied to a cultural text which are popular and attractive for majority of children around the globe. Popular culture has a vast variety of material which are attractive for children like bags, games, stationeries, shoes, character toys etc. This not only helps a child to get a better understanding but also encourages an educator to bring in new ideas to motivate young minds. Popular culture is first applied as a test drive but it proved to be an excellent motivational idea. In this era, where technologies and media power has no boundaries has an impact on c hildren. Animations of different strong characters, fairyland and wonderlands have made it easier for children to imagine and fit in a particular character. In early childhood education, it is observed that a child learns whatever is been taught to them, but it becomes easier for them to adapt and practice if popular culture is used while teaching. Use of PSPs , PS2, Nintendoââ¬â¢s and play stations for playing different animated games sharpen their reflexes and their cognitive power. In Early childhood education, Rhymes and songs were introduced to make a child learn colors, shapes and simple concepts while playing, singing and role-plays. Popular culture should be adopted by parents, guardians and educators not only school but also in the outside world, this idea is perceived from a theory of Jackie Marsh 2009 that popular culture should be applied in schools and outside both, which clearly refers to home. Popular Culture is adapted by different practitioners where some of them came up with a different feedback. According to their experience, the change which occurred in a child after the implementation of popular culture in the early education is the glamorization of violence and adds cheapness to the value of education. It encourages a child to praise the material things which blurred the essence of education of being good to every individual regardless of color creed or status.
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